G66 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

G66 5 is a postcode sector in East Dunbartonshire, UK. Below is a complete list of G66 5 Postcodes (Active). G66 5 postcode sector comprises of 142 active postcodes. G66 5 sector has a population of 4246, and it has 1720 properties in the region.

Browse Information On G66 5 postcode sector

G66 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4246
Addresses / Property Count 1720
Active Postcodes 142
Nearby Postcode Districts 56
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of G66 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 142 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
G66 5AA 55.92078100 -4.15371700 6 21 265509 671840
G66 5AB 55.91993400 -4.15252100 2 8 265581 671743
G66 5AD 55.92009100 -4.15356600 13 33 265516 671763
G66 5AE 55.91938600 -4.15379900 10 24 265499 671685
G66 5AF 55.91958300 -4.15333000 4 11 265529 671706
G66 5AG 55.91934400 -4.15259700 14 29 265574 671678
G66 5AH 55.91755800 -4.15193700 15 35 265609 671478
G66 5AJ 55.91870000 -4.15244900 1 2 265581 671606
G66 5AL 55.91839600 -4.15339200 3 10 265521 671574
G66 5AN 55.91861600 -4.15521300 18 50 265408 671602
G66 5AP 55.91584100 -4.15302600 15 38 265535 671289
G66 5AQ 55.91894800 -4.15316700 3 6 265537 671635
G66 5AR 55.91731400 -4.15360400 5 20 265504 671454
G66 5AS 55.91630600 -4.15466900 7 19 265434 671344
G66 5AT 55.91463100 -4.15614700 2 4 265336 671160
G66 5AU 55.91654500 -4.15644200 4 7 265324 671374
G66 5AW 55.92029500 -4.15525800 15 28 265411 671789
G66 5AX 55.91710000 -4.15556100 7 21 265381 671434
G66 5AY 55.91766900 -4.15540000 3 10 265393 671497
G66 5AZ 55.91723900 -4.15686500 4 11 265300 671452
G66 5BA 55.91871000 -4.15649800 18 51 265328 671615
G66 5BB 55.91965900 -4.15771900 9 18 265255 671723
G66 5BD 55.91974200 -4.15865200 3 7 265197 671734
G66 5BE 55.92091100 -4.15450800 3 9 265460 671856
G66 5BF 55.91950300 -4.13575300 N/A N/A 266627 671663
G66 5BG 55.92015200 -4.15677100 23 35 265316 671776
G66 5BH 55.91828300 -4.15778700 14 53 265246 671570
G66 5BJ 55.91420800 -4.14482700 N/A N/A 266042 671091
G66 5BL 55.91394500 -4.14599600 N/A N/A 265968 671064
G66 5BN 55.92342300 -4.14080200 29 71 266325 672109
G66 5BP 55.91371400 -4.14588700 N/A N/A 265974 671038
G66 5BQ 55.91964400 -4.15651800 3 12 265330 671719
G66 5BS 55.91791200 -4.13699800 N/A N/A 266544 671488
G66 5BT 55.91789600 -4.13947700 N/A N/A 266389 671491
G66 5BZ 55.92160900 -4.14851300 9 26 265837 671922
G66 5DA 55.91548300 -4.14953800 16 39 265752 671242
G66 5DB 55.91517400 -4.15159700 5 9 265622 671212
G66 5DD 55.91502200 -4.15258100 6 14 265560 671197
G66 5DE 55.91427600 -4.14641100 1 3 265943 671102
G66 5DG 55.91200400 -4.14374100 1 5 266102 670844
G66 5DH 55.91154100 -4.14216700 2 4 266199 670789
G66 5DJ 55.91089900 -4.14678400 29 56 265908 670727
G66 5DL 55.91129200 -4.14488600 21 41 266028 670767
G66 5DN 55.91052300 -4.14643100 11 23 265929 670684
G66 5DP 55.90707000 -4.14889200 7 16 265763 670305
G66 5DQ 55.91194100 -4.14165700 8 16 266232 670833
G66 5DR 55.90655700 -4.14992000 4 7 265697 670250
G66 5DS 55.90706200 -4.14932400 8 16 265736 670305
G66 5DT 55.90814000 -4.14984800 20 49 265707 670426
G66 5DU 55.90846300 -4.15146500 16 30 265607 670465
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